Platform of Latin America and the Caribbean for Climate Action on Agriculture

What is PLACA?

The Platform of Latin America and the Caribbean for Climate Action on Agriculture (PLACA) is the only platform in the region that focuses on:
1. Foster a collaborative network of shared knowledge.
2. Build capacity to support ministries of agriculture in leveraging climate action towards the implementation of their commitments under the Paris Agreement.

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Regional Workshops

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Participants in Courses

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Participants in Workshops

One of its fundamental pillars is the Thematic Working Groups, regional communities of practice to foster the co-creation of knowledge and strengthen the technical capabilities of the region's ministries of agriculture . Through these groups, PLACA facilitates the exchange of experiences, promotes best practices and fosters the development of solutions tailored to the needs of each country.

How do we work?


Latest News

Sep 24
FAO and Platform for Climate Action boost dialogue to inform on carbon markets 

El evento tuvo como objetivo conocer el aporte de estos mercados a la descarbonización…

Aug 28
Representatives from 16 countries propose more than 70 low-cost climate solutions in livestock farming

El concurso regional impulsado por PLACA, que cuenta con el apoyo de la FAO, tendrá…

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