Platform of Latin America and the Caribbean for Climate Action on Agriculture

What is PLACA?

PLACA is a regional mechanism for voluntary collaboration between the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) on agriculture and climate change, aimed at productive agricultural development that is adapted to the effects of climate change and is resilient and low in greenhouse gas emissions.

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Regional Workshops

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Participants in Courses

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Participants in Workshops

One of the fundamental pillars of the Platform of Latin America and the Caribbean for Climate Action on Agriculture (PLACA) are the Thematic Working Groups (TWGs). The working groups are mechanisms for co-creating knowledge and strengthening capacities.

How do we work?


Latest News

Feb 23
PLACA groups hold technical workshops to define their 2021 work plans

La Plataforma, que busca generar un espacio de colaboración entre países de…

Jan 19
The Climate Action Platform reactivated its program for 2021

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