PLACA's Virtual Training Program seeks to level the knowledge base on climate change and incorporate climate action and financing issues in the agricultural sector.
February 28, 2024. La Plataforma de Acción Climática en Agricultura de Latinoamérica y el Caribe anuncia que el Programa Formativo Virtual en materia de cambio climático, acción climática y financiamiento climático en el sector agropecuario, estará abierto durante todo 2024.
The objective of this course is to level the knowledge base on climate change, as well as to incorporate the issues of climate action and financing in the agricultural sector. To this end, it is composed of three modules, with a suggested time of dedication of at least 20 chronological hours. At the end of all modules, the student must complete the satisfaction survey in order to be eligible for a certificate.
Ficha del curso:
Language: Spanish
Target audience: Technicians and professionals.
At the end of the course, the participant will be able to:
To understand the concepts and ways of assessing exposure, vulnerability, impacts and risk that changes represent for agriculture.
To establish the interconnections between climate change, desertification and drought.
Understand the conceptual basis for climate action that reduces the potential impacts of climate change on agriculture.
To understand the role of the State, institutions, professionals and farmers in effective climate action.
Identify the main international funds
Analyze the cost-benefit of adaptation and the cost of inaction.