Adaptation and Mitigation

Working group information
  • Coordinator
    Julieta Battistuzzi - Argentina
  • Countries
    13 | Argentina, Bahamas, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay and Perú.
  • Group objective
    Contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation actions within the scope of sustainable agricultural development that guarantees food security.
  • Thematic Priorities
    Sustainable agricultural practices, adapted to climate (water, irrigation and livestock). Climate risk management in the agricultural sector. Sustainable soil management: organic carbon and reduction of GHG emissions. Early Warning Systems. Formulation of indicators and metrics for adaptation.
  • Dgroups access (members only)

Training Course

La próxima versión del curso en «Adaptación al Cambio Climático en el sector Agropecuario» se llevará a cabo en august 2024.

Document prepared by the working group with the annual planning of activities.

Thematic Working Group on Adaptation and Mitigation

It is a network made up of more than 40 professionals from the ministries of agriculture of the region, who work actively and collaboratively to contribute to the development of Adaptation and Mitigation actions.

Sesiones Temáticas 2024
